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 Virgin Snow

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3 posters

Jumlah posting : 1276
Age : 41
Registration date : 23.01.08

Virgin Snow Empty
PostSubyek: Virgin Snow   Virgin Snow Icon_minitimeWed 1 Oct 2008 - 1:55

Virgin Snow Virgin_snow
Virgin Snow Hatsuyukinokoisped
Sinopsis :
Min, a Korean boy, moves to Japan with his father who is a potter. One day at a local shrine, he meets Nanae, a beautiful Japanese girl with stunning eyes who is aspiring to be a painter. Min falls in love at first sight and finds out that Nanae attends the school to which he has just transferred. Their friendship develops fast despite their cultural and language difference. Yet when Min's grandmother suddenly falls ill, Min hastily returns to Korea without having the time to explain Nanae the situation. After his grandmother regains her health, Min hurries back to Japan but Nane is nowhere to be found. Had his true feelings for Nanae not been apparent to her? Why has Nanae disappeared without a word?

Staring :
+ Lee Jun Ki as Kim-min
+ Aoi Miyazaki as Sasaki Nanae
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Jumlah posting : 2490
Location : solow/ jogjaw....
Registration date : 28.09.07

Virgin Snow Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Virgin Snow   Virgin Snow Icon_minitimeWed 1 Oct 2008 - 2:02

keren ni film... jun ki'nya juga keren banget dsini...
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Jumlah posting : 386
Age : 35
Location : jakarta
Registration date : 02.07.08

Virgin Snow Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Virgin Snow   Virgin Snow Icon_minitimeSun 31 May 2009 - 13:40

xiau lan cara donlot coffee prince full series gmn c???
lwt youtube ssh amat...
bisa gagal.....
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Virgin Snow Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Virgin Snow   Virgin Snow Icon_minitime

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Virgin Snow
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