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 Dragonball Evolution

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Dragonball Evolution Empty
PostSubyek: Dragonball Evolution   Dragonball Evolution Icon_minitimeThu 2 Apr 2009 - 19:04

Dragonball Evolution Dragonball

Staring :

* Justin Chatwin as Goku
* James Marsters as Lord Piccolo
* Jamie Chung as Chi Chi
* Emmy Rossum as Bulma
* Chow Yun-Fat as Master Roshi
* Joon Park as Yamcha
* Eriko Tamura as Mai
* Texas Battle as Carey Fuller
* Luis Arrieta as Weaver
* Randall Duk Kim as Grandpa Gohan
* Ernie Hudson as Master Mutaito
* Shavon Kirksey as Emi


After his grandfather's death, Goku goes on a journey to find Master Roshi and gather the seven mystical Dragon Balls before the evil Lord Piccolo can. Along his way, he meets Bulma and Yamcha who both join him to help him with his mission. When arriving at Roshi's place, he is not welcomed with an embrace but has to fight Roshi. Roshi soon learns that Goku is the grandson of Gohan and thus trains him to prepare him for the ultimate battle with Lord Piccolo to prevent him from collecting the powerful Dragon Balls.
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